Workplace Tech As A Service | VIDEOPRO
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Workplace Tech As A Service

"Paying monthly with complete equipment coverage and support sounds great. But what does Workplace Tech as a Service mean for us exactly?

Workplace Tech As A Service (WTaaS) is a way for SMBs to acquire and utilise meeting room and workplace system solutions without having to pay a fixed upfront cost. Videopro provides you with the system(s) equipment, installation, warranty and support over a fixed 3 or 5-year term, allowing your organisation to simply pay for the use of the system, or suite of systems via a monthly subscription.


Preserve cash flow and working capital

Preserve your cash flow and working capital for utilisation upon core business activities. With a predictable fixed monthly expense, you no longer need to budget for large capital expenditure on tech refreshes and upgrades.

Flexibility with a current and scalable tech stack

With workplace technologies constantly evolving, equipment and system(s) performance can quickly lose its value for an organisation when trying to maintain through a 5-10 year lifecycle. WTaaS allows our client partners to refresh their tech stack without hefty capital expenditure, also providing for the ability to scale and adapt existing solution suites with greater agility and reduced cost.

Better support and warranty repair provisions

With WTaaS, system uptime and optimisation are critical drivers in ensuring a successful service is being rendered. That is why we apply comprehensive advanced replacement warranties against all supplied system components, being matched in duration against the terms of the WTaaS agreement. Our Business Hours Help Desk can access your systems key components (Cloud based) remotely for rapid diagnosis and user support, also providing firmware updates and analytics on system performance.


Supply and installation of complete systems

We provide you with complete system solutions that adhere to current workplace technology trends, supporting you through the acquisition process to ensure your solutions suite is fit-for-purpose in your chosen facility.

Engineering, documentation and verification

No need waiting for CAD engineering designs, functional briefs, detailed dependency outlines, network requirement guides, site survey verification forms & user operation manuals. We have everything prepared and ready for immediate application towards your next project.

Warranty and support inclusions

LG / Logitech / Biamp / Jabra / Williams AV / Small Components: 5-year extended warranty, Neat: 3-year advanced replacement warranty. Videopro provides Business Hours Help Desk support (within 1 hour response), accelerated RMAs and advanced replacement, and remote monitoring / diagnostics.

Extend, refresh or upgrade at end of term

Refresh or upgrade your tech stack at the end of term. We remove and environmentally dispose of your systems.

Purchase a Solution

To learn more or purchase a solution for your workplace, please get in touch today.

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